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Collective work is a cornerstone of theatre practice. It takes many forms depending on the traditions and eras, and occupies a variable place in the institutions. Thus, the Ensemble refers to a permanent group of actors who constitute the core of the German-speaking institutions and shape their identity. The troupe, another form of artistic organisation, reflects the policy of French decentralisation, in which a charismatic leader surrounded by actors left Paris for the provinces to find alternatives to the mercantile operation of private theatre and laid the foundations of the first post-war institutions.
How do these major models fit into the European arena today? With the permanent staff of the theatres in French-speaking regions mostly reduced to administrative and technical personnel, what is the best way to create the conditions for artistic continuity? How important is it to do so? What are some of the ways to enable artists to consider their work over the long term, to enable theatres to offer something other than the mere consumption of interchangeable cultural products, and to enable the public to identify with a venue?
Language - Simultaneous interpreting in French and in German
Entry to the parallel events is free.
Reservations are required:
billetterie du Théâtre de Carouge - Atelier de Genève
info@tcag.ch / +41 22 343 43 43
Michel Kullmann
Christian Schiaretti - Director of the Théâtre National Populaire in Villeurbanne
Tom Till - Production Director at Schauspielhaus in Zurich
An-Marie Lambrechts - Artistic coordinator of the Toneelhuis in Antwerp
Anne Bisang - Director of the Théâtre Populaire Romand, La Chaux-de-Fonds
part 2025